63 results:

Data Insight: BMI and immunisation uptake by different levels of engagement with Flying Start in Swansea

Data Insight: BMI and immunisation uptake by different levels of engagement with Flying Start in Swansea This Data Insight explores the body mass index (BMI) and immunisation uptake across different…

Examining the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the mental health of clinically extremely vulnerable children

Examining the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the mental health of clinically extremely vulnerable children ADR Wales has published its latest Data Insight, which explores how the Covid-19…

Data Insight: Effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the mental health of children that are clinically extremely vulnerable or living with clinically extremely vulnerable people in Wales

Data Insight: Effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the mental health of children that are clinically extremely vulnerable or living with clinically extremely vulnerable people in Wales This Data…

School staff vaccination uptake: February 2022

School staff vaccination uptake: February 2022 This report, produced by ADR Wales in partnership with the Welsh Government, analyses the School Workforce Annual Census and the Research Ready Data…

Careers Wales data linking feasibility study

Careers Wales data linking feasibility study This report, produced by ADR Wales in partnership with the Welsh Government, assesses the feasibility of data linkage and accompanying data strategies…

ADR Wales themed projects: Skills and Employability

ADR Wales themed projects: Skills and Employability This innovative programme will continue to work with education partners in Wales to better understand the barriers individuals face in finding…

ADR Wales themed projects: Mental Health

ADR Wales themed projects: Mental Health The ADR Wales Mental Health research programme will focus on the matters of anxiety, depression and suicide and self-harm prevention. This is in line with the…

ADR Wales themed projects: Early Years

ADR Wales themed projects: Early Years Combining expertise from backgrounds in early years, child health, mental health and education to name just a few, the ADR Wales Early Years research team…

ADR Wales themed projects: Education

ADR Wales themed projects: Education The ADR Wales Education research programme has been developed in line with the Welsh Government’s ambition to deliver a long-term programme of education reform…

Educational attainment in Wales: Differences between Welsh- and EU-born pupils

Educational attainment in Wales: Differences between Welsh- and EU-born pupils An ADR Wales research team has published a Data Insight that covers the differences in educational attainment and…