Educational attainment in Wales: Differences between Welsh- and EU-born pupils An ADR Wales research team has published a Data Insight that covers the differences in educational attainment and…
Data Insight: European Union Settled Status (EUSS) Data Linkage Project (Wales): Preliminary findings for education This Data Insight provides a preliminary analysis on education data relating to…
ADR Wales publishes analysis of the Supporting People Programme ADR Wales analysts within Welsh Government have published a new Government Social Research report showing the findings from data…
Data Insight: Exploring the complex relationship between legislation, policies and research: Built Environments And Child Health in WalEs and AuStralia (BEACHES) This Data Insight focuses on the…
Data Insight: Exploring transitions to post-compulsory education in Wales This Data Insight explores transitions from school to Post-Compulsory Education and Training (PCET) in Wales. This Data…
Data Insight: The gender progression and pay gap for teachers in Wales This Data Insight examined differences between female and male teaching staff at different career stages using the School…
New research investigates young people's transitions to post-compulsory education in Wales Using de-identified Welsh education data sources, ADR Wales researchers investigated transitions from…
ADR Wales researchers find gender pay and career progression gaps in the teaching workforce in Wales ADR Wales researchers used administrative data to estimate career progression and pay gender…
EU Settlement Scheme Data Linking Project The EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) Data Linking Project is an ADR Wales initiative born out of the need to improve the evidence base on EU citizens in Wales who…
First two Cabinet Office-funded Evaluation Fellows to use administrative data in evaluating justice services The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and ADR UK are pleased to announce two…