ADR UK Researcher Symposium: Exploring experiences of education through administrative data research Register now for the next ADR UK Researcher Symposium, taking place online on Friday 22 November,…
The need for supporting kinship families in Scotland A report from researchers at the Scottish Centre for Administrative Data Research (SCADR) and the Centre for Excellence for Children’s Care and…
Growing up in kinship care This report from Scottish Centre for Administrative Data Research and the Centre for Excellence for Children’s Care and Protection explores the characteristics,…
Data Insight: Growing up in kinship care This Data Insight by Dr Joanna Soraghan and Dr Robert Porter explores the experiences of children and young people in Scotland who have spent time living with…
Youth Transitions launch event In this webinar, the Youth Transitions project team will introduce a research agenda which identifies the most pressing gaps in the evidence on educational and labour…
Introduction to Education and Child Health Insights from Linked Data The Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health at University College London is hosting a two-day intensive workshop focused on…
Estimating numbers of children not in state education using linked administrative data This report, produced by ADR Wales in partnership with the Welsh Government, explores the feasibility of…
Report investigates children missing from state education in Wales ADR Wales has published a report examining how to estimate the number of children not enrolled in state schools across Wales. Using…