Data Insight: Childhood educational predictors of re-offending trajectories This Data Insight examines the feasibility of using childhood educational information to develop predictive models of…
How the Longitudinal Education Outcomes data is becoming more innovative The Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) dataset provides policy-relevant insight on the educational pathways and labour…
Study reveals key drivers of school exclusions in Scotland Researchers at ADR Scotland analysing temporary exclusions in Scottish secondary schools have uncovered significant variations across…
Data Insight: Understanding exclusions in Scottish secondary schools This Data Insight explores the patterning of educational exclusions in Scottish secondary schools, including the variation across…
ADR England Research Community Catalyst: Youth Transitions This project aims to build a research landscape informed by existing research and evidence gaps in the field of youth transitions. It…
ADR England Research Community Catalyst: Children at Risk of Poor Outcomes This project will build a community of researchers and analysts focused on children and young people supported by early…
Introduction to using linked data between the Ministry of Justice and Department for Education - Online course This short online course provides an introduction to an existing data linkage between…
Introduction to the National Pupil Database (UCL Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities) This course offers a detailed introduction to the National Pupil Database (NPD). It will…
Young person's Data Insight: Childhood contact with social services and self-harm in young adulthood This study looks at young adults in Northern Ireland (NI) and their risk of presenting to hospital…
Introduction to the National Pupil Database (National Centre for Research Methods) Back by popular demand, this course provides an introduction to the National Pupil Database (NPD), an administrative…