ADR Wales publication looks at impact of Welsh Government early years programme ADR Wales has published the results of analysis of the Welsh Government’s Flying Start programme which helps families…
ADR Wales publication compares health impact of Welsh Government energy efficiency schemes ADR Wales has released its latest publication - comparing the health impacts of two Welsh Government home…
Data linking for the National Evaluation of the Troubled Families Programme Ricky Taylor and Lan-Ho Man from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) share their experience…
Multiple health conditions and social care ADR Scotland's ‘Data Insights’ briefings share snapshots of findings from research projects using linked administrative data. This week, SCADR Research…
Investigating positive youth development This study aims to examine the impact of chilhood participation in Scouts, Guides and other similar organisations upon mental health in later life in…
Selective schooling and long-term health This study uses data from a 1950s Aberdeen birth cohort for whom test score, secondary school attended and later life health are available to test the impact…
Care in the last years of life The overall aim of this study is to develop understanding of factors influencing the availability and utilisation of formal and informal care in Scotland during the…
Reducing economic inactivity in Northern Ireland The focus of this study is to understand groups within the Northern Ireland working age population who changed their economic activity status between…
Unveiling trends in drug-related deaths This research will generate more extensive socio-economic, health and equality group related information to better understand adverse trends in drugs and…
Social mobility and health inequalities in Glasgow This project explores whether selective migration explains Glasgow’s poor health and excess mortality. This project explores whether selective…