Report assesses feasibility of linking employment and education data Dr Claire Crawford is from the UCL Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities, and is part of the Wage and…
Feasibility study exploring the potential to link administrative education data to the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings This feasibility study is part of the Wage and Employment Dynamics (WED)…
Funding opportunity coming soon: Evaluation Accelerator Fund ADR UK is working with the Evaluation Task Force to support the academic delivery route for the Evaluation Accelerator Fund. ADR UK is…
AD|ARC: ADR Scotland working in partnership to deliver a UK-wide data linking project Dave Grzybowski, Team Leader of the Scottish Government Data Acquisition Team in ADR Scotland, discusses how…
Data Insights: Occupation and Covid-19 deaths: Scotland in a comparative perspective (December 2021) In this Data Insight, ADR Scotland explores how Covid-19 mortality rates vary by occupation for…
The WED linked dataset: Key messages from stakeholders (December 2021) This report highlights key messages from stakeholders from charitable foundations, equalities groups, recruiters, trade unions…
Data Insights: Automatic coding of occupations: Methods to create the Scottish Historic Population Database (SHPD) (November 2021) This Data Insight from ADR Scotland describes the work of the…