Animation: Improving our society through administrative data research This animated video, developed as part of an ADR UK Research Fellowship project, explains what administrative data is, how…
Ministry of Justice Data First team wins award for outstanding collaboration across government and academia The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Data First team has been awarded the Analysis in Government…
Who is prosecuted for serious and organised crimes, and what happens to them? This animation by ADR UK Research Fellow Tim McSweeney explores the findings from his research project on the nature,…
Exploring the family justice experience of young mothers in England ADR UK Research Fellow Dr Mariam Abouelenin has just started using the Family Court-Cafcass linked dataset in the SAIL Databank. In…
Data Insight: School funding, pupil performance and crime This Data Insight summarises findings from working with the Ministry of Justice & Department for Education linked dataset - England.…
Express your interest: Showcase of research findings from linked justice system, social care and education data Calling those with an interest in improving the lives of young people! We are hosting…
Policy briefing: Care experience, ethnicity and youth justice involvement - key trends and policy implications This briefing is based on descriptive findings from Dr Katie Hunter's ADR UK Research…
Research Fellows using ADR England flagship datasets ADR UK is funding six Research Fellows for 18 months to conduct research and analysis demonstrating the policy impact potential of ADR…