A research agenda for children's social care


Children in contact with early intervention services or children’s social care tend to be at greater risk of poorer outcomes. National and local organisations supporting these children produce a wealth of administrative data as they carry out their services. This data could be used to explore how to reduce these risks and ultimately improve children’s lives. However, at present, not enough researchers are using this data, nor are they consistently addressing the issues most important to policymakers, practitioners, or families. 

Co-funded by ADR England and Foundations – What Works Centre for Children and Families, the ADR England Research Community Catalyst: Children at Risk of Poor Outcomes  aims to increase use of ADR UK flagship datasets, and serve as a vital point of connection for information sharing within a community of researchers focused on research in this field. As part of this work, the team has developed a research agenda, built on a comprehensive review of the evidence and national stakeholder consultation. 

This event will showcase the agenda, with presentations from Professor Lucy GriffithsProfessor Karen Broadhurst, Kat Tranter and Dr Grace Bailey.  


Event details

When: 11:00, Monday 27 January 2025

Where: Online

How to attend: Click here to register. You can also see the full list of upcoming events.

Watch a recording of the event

In this interactive webinar the Community Catalyst team presented the research they had undertaken and keys findings from:

This in-depth research has been the solid foundation which has formed a new research agenda spotlighted in the webinar.

Click here to view the slides 



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