Information session: Cross Government Income Administrative Dataset 2019/20


The newly available CGIAD is an aggregate, de-identified household level pre-linked dataset containing income data from social security benefits, child benefits, housing benefits, earnings, tax credits and savings in Northern Ireland. It is predominantly an annual demographic snapshot (in this instance, reflecting the position in March/April 2020) with some annualized information for the 2019/20 financial year. The dataset cannot be linked to other data sources.

More information can be found on the NISRA website.

Book your place now

Taking place online, the event will include a presentation by members of the NISRA Research Support Unit outlining key details of the CGIAD dataset. This will be followed by a question and answer session featuring a panel made up of members of the CGIAD project team who worked together on the project.

Event details

When: Thursday 12 December 2024

Time: 11:00 – 12:00

Where: Online

How to attend: Please contact the Research Support Unit ( and register your interest on or before 11 December. Joining information will then be provided to attendees in advance of the event.


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