Introduction to geo-linking cohort and admin data to social and physical environmental data


The workshop will introduce participants to linking small-area level data on the local physical environment (such as air quality and greenspace) and social environment (such as access to services and deprivation) to cohort and administrative data. Attendees will learn basic concepts in geo-linkage and be introduced to key local social and environmental datasets. The workshop includes practical sessions to start building geographical information systems (GIS) skills for users of cohort and administrative data.

The event is presented in collaboration with the Population, Policy and Practice Research and Teaching Department at the UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, Health Data Research UK, and ADR UK.

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The workshop will:

  • outline reasons for geo-linking small-area level environmental data to cohort and administrative data.
  • signpost organisations that provide datasets on environmental and social topics for research and spatial analysis.
  • describe the structure of key social and physical environmental datasets used and applied for research purposes in the UK.
  • introduce basic methods for accessing, cleaning and managing environmental data, and linking these to cohort and administrative data, including practical sessions in R.

Event details

Date: Wednesday 3 July 2024, 9:30 - 15:15

Format: Online (Microsoft Teams)

Registration: Visit the full information page for details on registration

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