ONS updates transition timelines from the ONS Secure Research Service to the Integrated Data Service

Category: Office for National Statistics

17 July 2024


What are the ONS Secure Research Service and Integrated Data Service? 

The ONS is ADR UK’s major data infrastructure partner. The ONS SRS is a trusted research environment providing accredited researchers with secure access to de-identified data for public-good research. ADR UK has been directly funding the development and expansion of the ONS SRS since 2018.

The IDS is the new cloud-based ONS trusted research environment. It provides access to de-identified data for accredited researchers working on approved research projects. All IDS data is protected by the Five Safes framework and the Digital Economy Act. Read an introduction to the IDS.

The ONS previously communicated plans to close the SRS to new project applications and new datasets after 30 September 2024, with the service running down until March 2026. However, the team has been conducting regular reviews of both data availability and IDS capability in preparation for the closure of the SRS, as well as consulting with users and stakeholders. This is to ensure research can continue throughout the transition period.

Following a review, the Integrated Data Programme Board made the decision to remove the previously communicated dates. In summary, this decision means:

  • The ONS SRS will now continue to accept new research project applications beyond the end of September 2024
  • The established project triage process will continue to assess and re-direct new SRS projects to the IDS when appropriate for the project’s requirements
  • The ONS will continue to review progress on the development of the IDS, and its readiness to meet the needs of SRS users, before setting out new timescales.

What’s next?

Although the SRS will now run for an extended period of time, the ONS is still working towards a full transition to the IDS. The team will continue to monitor progress against SRS user needs. A date for the closure of the SRS front door and its de-commissioning will only be agreed when IDS readiness is confirmed.

Meanwhile, the established project triage process will continue. This means all new project applications to the SRS are assessed for their suitability to begin in the IDS instead, where the capability and data is available to do so. An equivalent triage process for new datasets will also be implemented.

The next IDS event for SRS users and stakeholders will take place in September, to include further updates and the latest timelines. More information on this event will be available soon.

Working in partnership

The ONS is ADR UK’s major data infrastructure partner. ADR UK will continue to work closely with the ONS to ensure the IDS is a suitable replacement that meets the needs of SRS users, and to achieve a smooth transition. This will include monitoring of the pilot transition projects and consideration of user feedback, to inform testing and refinement of the service.

We are also supporting the ONS in talks with data owners to ensure the IDS meets their requirements to make data securely available for research. 

If you have an upcoming or active project in the ONS SRS, you will be contacted directly to discuss the impact of the transition on you (if any). No action is required until you have been contacted.

The IDS website shows the current data available in IDS as well as the available and upcoming tools. If you have any questions about the transition, please contact srs.engagement.team@ons.gov.uk. If you have any questions concerning an ADR UK-funded project, please contact hub@adruk.org.

Read the full update from the ONS.

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