Estimating numbers of children not in state education using linked administrative data
Categories: Research using linked data, Reports, Research findings, ADR Wales, YDG Cymru, Children & young people, Inequality & social inclusion
18 September 2024
This report, produced by ADR Wales in partnership with the Welsh Government, explores the feasibility of providing an estimate of children potentially missing from education using linked administrative data in the Secure Anonymised Information Linkage (SAIL) Databank.
The approach found that approximately 6.4% of children (27,000) in the dataset of GP registrations could not be found in education data on 20 April 2021. It suggests there could be a wide variation of children missing from the education data between local authorities, potentially between around 3.0% and 15.3%.
This report was developed and published by Welsh Government. Welsh Government is part of the ADR Wales partnership.