98 results:

Covid-19 School Infection Survey study

Covid-19 School Infection Survey study

Covid-19 School Infection Survey study

Graduates’ labour market outcomes during the coronavirus pandemic

Graduates’ labour market outcomes during the coronavirus pandemic

Graduates’ labour market outcomes during the coronavirus pandemic

The Coronavirus Infection Survey study

The Coronavirus Infection Survey study

The Coronavirus Infection Survey study

Examining UK financial stability during the coronavirus pandemic outbreak

Examining UK financial stability during the coronavirus pandemic outbreak

Examining UK financial stability during the coronavirus pandemic outbreak

Invasive breast cancer after a diagnosis of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)

Invasive breast cancer after a diagnosis of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)

Invasive breast cancer after a diagnosis of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)

Improving practice: impact of a social services data quality investigation

Improving practice: impact of a social services data quality investigation

Improving practice: impact of a social services data quality investigation

Impacting policy: mental health of children known to social services in Northern Ireland

Impacting policy: mental health of children known to social services in Northern Ireland

Impacting policy: mental health of children known to social services in Northern Ireland  

Occupation and Covid-19 mortality in England

Occupation and Covid-19 mortality in England

Occupation and Covid-19 mortality in England

Who experiences or witnesses anti-social behaviour and in what context?

Who experiences or witnesses anti-social behaviour and in what context?

Who experiences or witnesses anti-social behaviour and in what context?

Measuring the dark figure of crime

Measuring the dark figure of crime

Measuring the dark figure of crime