85 results:

The Cross Government Income Administrative Dataset 2019/20 is now available from ADR Northern Ireland

The Cross Government Income Administrative Dataset 2019/20 is now available from ADR Northern Ireland The Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) is now receiving applications from…

New assessment data to give insights into complex needs of offenders

New assessment data to give insights into complex needs of offenders Data from the offender assessment system which is used in prisons and probation services to record the risks and needs of…

New initiatives will support researchers in adult social care

New initiatives will support researchers in adult social care In this blog, Tara Hughes, Research Officer in the ADR Wales Social Care team, shares some initiatives that are supporting the social…

ADR Wales presents research on equality within the Welsh tertiary education system

ADR Wales presents research on equality within the Welsh tertiary education system The ADR Wales Skills and Employability research team has presented key findings on equality within tertiary…

Now receiving applications: Northern Ireland Census 2021 Comprehensive Microdata

Now receiving applications: Northern Ireland Census 2021 Comprehensive Microdata Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) is now receiving applications from accredited researchers to…

The need for supporting kinship families in Scotland

The need for supporting kinship families in Scotland A report from researchers at the Scottish Centre for Administrative Data Research (SCADR) and the Centre for Excellence for Children’s Care and…

Labour market dataset will enable greater insight into employment inequalities

Labour market dataset will enable greater insight into employment inequalities ADR UK is very pleased to announce the latest dataset available for accredited researchers to apply to access via the…

Report investigates children missing from state education in Wales

Report investigates children missing from state education in Wales ADR Wales has published a report examining how to estimate the number of children not enrolled in state schools across Wales. Using…

Research shows socioeconomic inequalities in severe Covid-19 outcomes in Wales

Research shows socioeconomic inequalities in severe Covid-19 outcomes in Wales ADR Wales has released a new Data Insight highlighting significant socioeconomic disparities in severe Covid-19 outcomes…

Study reveals key drivers of school exclusions in Scotland

Study reveals key drivers of school exclusions in Scotland Researchers at ADR Scotland analysing temporary exclusions in Scottish secondary schools have uncovered significant variations across…