431 results:

Chief Statistician for Wales update: Measuring people in hospital, and some thoughts on data quality

Chief Statistician for Wales update: Measuring people in hospital, and some thoughts on data quality In his latest blog, Co-Director of ADR Wales and Chief Statistician for Wales Glyn Jones discusses…

ADR UK comments on researcher call for improved data access

ADR UK comments on researcher call for improved data access Academics from across the UK have signed an open letter calling for improved access to health and other administrative data for research.…

Chief Statistician for Wales update: Explaining Covid-19 mortality data sources for Wales

Chief Statistician for Wales update: Explaining Covid-19 mortality data sources for Wales In his latest blog, Chief Statistician for Wales Glyn Jones discusses the different sources of data on…

ADR UK-sponsored event explores the value of admin data, from Covid-19 responses to a better justice system

ADR UK-sponsored event explores the value of admin data, from Covid-19 responses to a better justice system Yesterday (Wednesday 1 July 2020), ADR UK sponsored the twelfth instalment of the Institute…

Magistrates’ court dataset is first product of Data First programme available to researchers

Magistrates’ court dataset is first product of Data First programme available to researchers A de-identified, research-ready dataset on magistrates’ court has been deposited into the SRS as a result…

Born into Care: New study highlights vulnerabilities of pregnant women in Wales

Born into Care: New study highlights vulnerabilities of pregnant women in Wales New report using data acquired by ADR Wales reveals that pregnant women in Wales at risk of their babies being taken…

ADR Wales academics lead cross-national project on impact of built environment on children

ADR Wales academics lead cross-national project on impact of built environment on children

ADR Wales academics lead cross-national project on impact of built environment on children A project that will look at how the built environment effects child health and obesity in Australia and…

Out of the shadows: The value of data in times of crisis

Out of the shadows: The value of data in times of crisis Ed Humpherson, Director General of the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR), discusses the significance of data in responding to the…

Expert team appointed to test potential of MoJ-DfE linked dataset

Expert team appointed to test potential of MoJ-DfE linked dataset A team of researchers led by Dr Rosie Cornish has been appointed to lead a feasibility study on the use of the MoJ-DfE linked dataset…

Understanding Wage & Employment Dynamics with linked data: a new project with a new approach

Understanding Wage & Employment Dynamics with linked data: a new project with a new approach Researchers Alex Bryson (UCL) and Arusha McKenzie (University of the West of England) discuss the…