36 results:

Shaping and testing the GUIE dataset: Roma, Gypsy and Traveller children case study

Shaping and testing the GUIE dataset: Roma, Gypsy and Traveller children case study This project aims to shape, test and demonstrate the value of the newly linked Growing Up in England (GUIE) dataset…

Data First: Harnessing the potential of linked administrative data for the justice system

Data First: Harnessing the potential of linked administrative data for the justice system Data First is an ambitious data-linking programme led by MoJ that aims to harness the potential of the wealth…

Wage and employment dynamics in Britain

Wage and employment dynamics in Britain This data linkage project is bringing together data about employee earnings, UK businesses, and 2011 Census data to provide important new insights into the…

ECHILD: Linking children’s health and education data for England

ECHILD: Linking children’s health and education data for England This ADR England-funded project will further develop a research-ready database linking health, education and social care data for all…

Growing Up in England: Linking 2011 Census and educational attainment data for children

Growing Up in England: Linking 2011 Census and educational attainment data for children ONS has brought together 2011 Census data with attainment data from the Department for Education to create a…

Feasibility study to explore the use of the MoJ-DfE linked dataset to aid evaluations

Feasibility study to explore the use of the MoJ-DfE linked dataset to aid evaluations ADR UK is funding a University of Bristol feasibility study, supported by the Home Office, into using the new…