ADR UK Research Fellows: Administrative Data | Agricultural Research Collection ADR UK is funding two Research Fellows to use the newly available Administrative Data | Agricultural Research…
Recording: ADR UK Researcher Symposium - Exploring experiences of education through administrative data research The ADR UK Researcher Symposium - Understanding experiences of education through…
Data Insight: What can data tell us about wages in the Western Gateway Area? This Data Insight explores labour market dynamics in the Western Gateway Area. The article focuses on pay, and considers…
Labour market dataset will enable greater insight into employment inequalities ADR UK is very pleased to announce the latest dataset available for accredited researchers to apply to access via the…
HM Revenue and Customs Research Future Strategy This HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) project will explore options for widening access to its tax data for research, in order to expand and enhance the…
ADR UK funding provided to HMRC to further explore widening access to its tax data for research ADR UK is providing HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) with a £100,000 grant to explore how to improve…
Love Data Week 2024: How ADR UK is creating data-driven change As part of Love Data Week, taking place from 12 to 16 February, ADR UK is showcasing a selection of high-impact projects from across the…
An introduction to the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings - 2011 Census linked dataset This short course will give users a thorough introduction to the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings - 2011…
The Administrative Data | Agricultural Research Collection project powers on The Administrative Data | Agricultural Research Collection (AD|ARC) project hopes to enhance the prosperity and wellbeing…
ADR UK 2023 PhD studentships cohort begin their projects 22 PhD studentships supported by ADR UK have now commenced. Hosted by supervisors across 13 of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)…