117 results:

ADR UK Research Fellows: Understanding experiences of the family justice system

ADR UK Research Fellows: Understanding experiences of the family justice system ADR UK is funding two Research Fellows to conduct research using the newly available Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Data…

Data First Cross-Justice System linked dataset – England and Wales: Key messages from the Data First User Representation Panel

Data First Cross-Justice System linked dataset – England and Wales: Key messages from the Data First User Representation Panel This report records a meeting between Data First project partners and…

New insight into the civil justice system enabled by data shared by Data First

New insight into the civil justice system enabled by data shared by Data First Accredited researchers can apply to use a new de-identified dataset sharing information from the civil justice system in…

Department for Education: Data Access and Engagement Programme

Department for Education: Data Access and Engagement Programme This ADR England project is funding the Department for Education (DfE) to make it easier and faster for accredited researchers to gain…

First two Cabinet Office-funded Evaluation Fellows to use administrative data in evaluating justice services

First two Cabinet Office-funded Evaluation Fellows to use administrative data in evaluating justice services The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and ADR UK are pleased to announce two…

Developing trajectories of (re)-offending using UK administrative data

Developing trajectories of (re)-offending using UK administrative data In this blog, ADR UK Research Fellow Dr Hannah Dickson identifies five trajectories which show the different patterns of…

Enforced alcohol abstinence: does it reduce reoffending?

Enforced alcohol abstinence: does it reduce reoffending? In this blog, ADR UK Research Fellow Dr Carly Lightowlers describes how she is using de-identified, administrative data to explore how…

Data Insight: The outcomes of serious and organised crime cases appearing before the criminal courts in England and Wales

Data Insight: The outcomes of serious and organised crime cases appearing before the criminal courts in England and Wales This Data Insight by Dr Tim McSweeney presents further findings from an…

Ethnicity, gender and community sentences

Ethnicity, gender and community sentences In this blog, ADR UK Research Fellow Dr Angela Sorsby describes her new project analysing how ethnicity and gender impact upon the requirements and outcomes…

ADR UK invests further funding in AD|ARC: A UK-wide agricultural data programme

ADR UK invests further funding in AD|ARC: A UK-wide agricultural data programme ADR UK is providing a second phase of funding for the Administrative Data | Agricultural Research Collection (AD|ARC)…