Linked local data on children and young people In this project, the team aims to create a research-ready dataset linking data held on children by local authorities, including education and social care
Were people who died at home less likely to attend hospital at the end of life during the Covid pandemic? Previous SCADR (Scottish Centre for Administrative Data Research) analysis has demonstrated th
Kids’ Environment and Health Cohort This project aims to set up a new national data resource that will allow researchers to examine how local physical and social environments influence children’s heal
An analysis of Covid-19 deaths and equality in Northern Ireland ADR Northern Ireland researchers recently published analysis of Covid-19 deaths and equality in Northern Ireland. ADR Northern Ireland r
IPDLN 2022: Insights from Professor Katie Harron ADR UK spoke to Katie Harron, Professor of Statistics and Health Data Science at University College London’s Institute of Child Health and one of the r
ADR UK funds major new data linkage projects to address vital policy questions ADR UK is delighted to announce the first series of projects to receive funding from our research-ready data and access c