66 results:

Unlocking criminal justice data

Unlocking criminal justice data Last month, ADR Scotland hosted an online event on unlocking criminal justice data. The event attracted researchers and practitioners from a wide range of…

Number of convictions before receiving a short, immediate prison sentence: ethnicity and gender differences

Number of convictions before receiving a short, immediate prison sentence: ethnicity and gender differences In this blog, ADR UK Research Fellow Dr Angela Sorsby builds on her recently published Data…

Renewed ADR UK funding for groundbreaking Data First programme

Renewed ADR UK funding for groundbreaking Data First programme ADR UK is investing over £2.3 million in the Ministry of Justice Data First programme. This will enable the pioneering data-linkage and…

Splink: Free software for probabilistic record linkage at scale

Splink: Free software for probabilistic record linkage at scale In this blog, Ministry of Justice (MoJ) data scientist Robin Linacre introduces Splink, a free and open source software library for…

Funding opportunity: Using linked justice system administrative data to evaluate the impact of justice services

Funding opportunity: Using linked justice system administrative data to evaluate the impact of justice services [NOW CLOSED] We are accepting applications for two Evaluation Fellows to carry out an…

Feasibility of using linked dataset to evaluate early interventions to prevent violent crime

Feasibility of using linked dataset to evaluate early interventions to prevent violent crime In this blog, Dr Rosie Cornish of the University of Bristol describes the findings of her research. Her…

Funding opportunity coming soon: Using linked justice system administrative data to evaluate the impact of justice services

Funding opportunity coming soon: Using linked justice system administrative data to evaluate the impact of justice services ADR UK will soon open applications for two Evaluation Fellows to carry out…

Funding opportunity: Experiences of the family justice system

Funding opportunity: Experiences of the family justice system [NOW CLOSED] ADR UK is accepting applications for funding to conduct research using the newly available Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Data…

New Data First linked dataset ready to provide even more insight into the family court system

New Data First linked dataset ready to provide even more insight into the family court system As of last week, accredited researchers can apply to use the Data First family court - Cafcass linked…

Exploring educational attainment patterns and criminal offending

Exploring educational attainment patterns and criminal offending In this blog, ADR UK Research Fellow Alice Wickersham describes her work on the Ministry of Justice and Department for Education…