382 results:

Report recommends establishing Northern Ireland’s first public panel on data use

Report recommends establishing Northern Ireland’s first public panel on data use A report from a pilot initiative has recommended establishing a public panel to consider how data is used in research,

IPDLN 2022: Insights from Professor Katie Harron

IPDLN 2022: Insights from Professor Katie Harron ADR UK spoke to Katie Harron, Professor of Statistics and Health Data Science at University College London’s Institute of Child Health and one of the r

Celebrating public engagement: Highlights from ADR Northern Ireland

Celebrating public engagement: Highlights from ADR Northern Ireland ADRC NI, Communications and Impact Manager, Elizabeth Nelson, discusses public engagement work from ADR Northern Ireland to make one

Unlocking criminal justice data

Unlocking criminal justice data Last month, ADR Scotland hosted an online event on unlocking criminal justice data. The event attracted researchers and practitioners from a wide range of organisations

Number of convictions before receiving a short, immediate prison sentence: ethnicity and gender differences

Number of convictions before receiving a short, immediate prison sentence: ethnicity and gender differences In this blog, ADR UK Research Fellow Dr Angela Sorsby builds on her recently published Data

ADR UK-funded research wins ONS Linked Administrative Data Award

ADR UK-funded research wins ONS Linked Administrative Data Award Following the presentation of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Research Excellence Awards, Engagement Manager Callum Barnes and

Celebrating public engagement: Highlights from ADR Scotland

Celebrating public engagement: Highlights from ADR Scotland SCADR Impact and Knowledge Exchange Manager, Harriet Baird, discusses public engagement work from ADR Scotland to mark one year since the pu

Making DOIs available for ONS controlled data

Making DOIs available for ONS controlled data In this blog, Louise Corti, Lead on Analytical Insights and Impact at the Office for National Statistics (ONS) discusses the benefits of digital object id

Scout and Guide participation boosts later life health

Scout and Guide participation boosts later life health Children who participated in Scouts or Guides were around 35% more likely to report excellent health at age 50 compared to their peers, findings

Celebrating public engagement: Highlights from ADR England

Celebrating public engagement: Highlights from ADR England ADR UK Public Engagement Manager, Shayda Kashef, discusses public engagement work from ADR England and the wider ADR UK partnership to mark o