76 results:

Navigating administrative data

In this section Working with administrative data can be complex and challenging. In this section, we address some of these challenges by providing explanations and insights to help you understand

Accessing data for research

Training to become an accredited researcher In order to access data in ADR UK’s network of trusted research environments, you need to be an accredited researcher under the Digital Economy Act 2017.

Internships and placements

Experiential learning comes in many types and forms, and can range from a few days to a few months, or even years. ADR UK is working to create a repository of placement, internship, and fellowship o

Express your interest to engage with the panel

The ADR England Public Insights Panel is a panel made up of a diverse group of 15 members of the general public from across England. They meet online and in the evenings (18:30 - 20:30) every two mo

ADR England Public Insights Panel

Learn about the ADR England Public Insights Panel, including information on its role and how to engage with the panel. The ADR England Public Insights Panel is a diverse group of members of the p

Achieving policy impact

The concept of ‘research for public good’ rests on the assumption that research can be used to inform decision makers and practitioners, both locally and nationally. By using the best evidence possi

Writing a good funding application

Administrative data is undoubtedly a powerful research resource which can deliver rich insights into the UK population and our public services. Applying for research funding to use this data, howeve



Administrative data for public good. As a major investment by the Economic and Social Research Council, ADR UK (Administrative Data Research UK) is a UK-wide partnership transforming the wealth of

Accessibility statement

We believe in making the ADR UK web site's information and functionality equally available to all visitors. We have therefore made this site as usable and accessible as possible so you can easil

Requesting information

ADR UK is made up of three national partnerships – ADR Scotland, ADR Wales, and ADR Northern Ireland – coordinated by a UK-wide Strategic Hub, and the Office for National Statistics (ONS). ADR UK’