103 results:

ADR Wales themed projects: Housing and Homelessness

ADR Wales themed projects: Housing and Homelessness How do we make a Wales where homelessness is rare, brief and unrepeated? This important question drives ADR Wales research under this thematic…

ADR Wales themed projects: Major Societal Challenges

ADR Wales themed projects: Major Societal Challenges To address currently identified and new emerging priority areas for government, ADR Wales has created a Major Societal Challenges work stream.…

ADR Wales themed projects: Health and Wellbeing

ADR Wales themed projects: Health and Wellbeing The ADR Wales Health and Wellbeing programme brings together health and well-being administrative data with novel geospatial data to provide insights…

ADR Wales themed projects: Climate Change

ADR Wales themed projects: Climate Change Projects under this ADR Wales theme will work with Welsh Government and other stakeholders to identify priority areas and harness the potential of…

ADR Wales themed projects: Early Years

ADR Wales themed projects: Early Years Combining expertise from backgrounds in early years, child health, mental health and education to name just a few, the ADR Wales Early Years research team…

ADR Wales themed projects: Social Justice

ADR Wales themed projects: Social Justice This ADR Wales research agenda will cover inequalities in health outcomes, treatment, accessibility to services, opportunities, and education for the…

ADR Wales themed projects: Education

ADR Wales themed projects: Education The ADR Wales Education research programme has been developed in line with the Welsh Government’s ambition to deliver a long-term programme of education reform…

Research Fellows using ADR England flagship datasets

Research Fellows using ADR England flagship datasets ADR UK is funding six Research Fellows for 18 months to conduct research and analysis demonstrating the policy impact potential of ADR…

ADR UK Research Fellows: Understanding experiences of the family justice system

ADR UK Research Fellows: Understanding experiences of the family justice system ADR UK is funding two Research Fellows to conduct research using the newly available Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Data…

Support for development of Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) data

Support for development of Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) data The Department for Education’s Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) dataset provides transformational insights about pathways…