Data Insight: Physical health disparities and mortality among people with severe mental illness in Northern Ireland This Data Insight examines the relationship between severe mental illness (SMI),…
A young person’s guide for researchers: Co-producing data research with under-served groups This guide, written by Ash Salem, Administrative Data Research Centre Northern Ireland Research Assistant…
Data Insight: External sales behaviour of Northern Ireland businesses: A focus on 10X sectors This Data Insight explores the external sales behaviour of Northern Ireland businesses over the period…
Young person's Data Insight: Childhood contact with social services and self-harm in young adulthood This study looks at young adults in Northern Ireland (NI) and their risk of presenting to hospital…
Data Insight: Firm-level analysis of NI trade: A focus on 10X priority clusters This Data Insight report explores the factors influencing the performance of Northern Ireland (NI) businesses over the…
Data Insight: Analysis of NI trade by sector: A focus on the 10X priority clusters This Data Insight report explores Northern Ireland (NI) trade by sector over the period 2014–2020 with a particular…
Data Insight: Spatial analysis of Northern Ireland trade over the period 2014 to 2020 This Data Insight report explores Northern Ireland (NI) trade by region over the period 2014 to 2020, with…
Policy briefing: The health effects of long-term exposure to air pollution - New evidence from linked administrative data in Northern Ireland This policy brief from ADR Northern Ireland explores the…
Data Insight: Exporting, importing and Northern Ireland firm performance: Which pathway to internationalisation? This Data Insight seeks to further explore firm-level characteristics underlying these…
Data Insight: Characteristics of exporting firms in Northern Ireland This project uses novel datasets and input-output (IO) modelling to investigate the differences between exporting and…