ADR UK Research Fellows: Ministry of Justice and the Department for Education linked datasets fellowships ADR UK is funding five 12-month Research Fellowships to conduct analysis using the Ministry…
Funding opportunity coming soon: Linked family court data ADR UK will soon be launching a funding call for applications to conduct research using a new linked dataset consisting of the Ministry of…
Latest output from Data First is ready to provide insight into family court system As of this week, accredited researchers can apply to use a new dataset linking de-identified data from the…
Exploring defendant appearance(s) in the magistrates’ and Crown Court over time: specialisation, or (de-)escalation ADR UK Research Fellow Becky Pattinson discusses how she will use linked,…
Ethnic Inequalities in the Criminal Justice System ADR UK Research Fellow Kitty Lymperopoulou discusses how her work will generate new evidence on the extent and drivers of ethnic inequalities…
What do we know about serious and organised crime and how effective is our response to it? Generating new insights using criminal courts data ADR UK Research Fellow Tim McSweeney, describes how he is…
ADR UK Research Fellows: The first users of the Data First magistrates’ and Crown Court datasets ADR UK is funding four Research Fellows for seven to 12 months to conduct analysis using the Data…
Education Policy and Youth Crime in England The Education Policy and Youth Crime in England project is an initiative led by researchers at LSE, and funded by ADR UK, to use linked administrative data…
Criminal Courts and Prisons Linking Dataset becomes latest research-ready output of Data First A new linking de-identified dataset is now available in the Office for National Statistics Secure…
Data First User Representation Panel: Terms of Reference Terms of Reference for the Data First User Representation Panel, which works with the Data First team to represent the interests of justice…