Type 1 Diabetes at School & University: Public & Patient Workshop (August 2021) This report details the findings of a patient and public workshop held in partnership with Diabetes UK in April 2021…
AD|ARC: Linking Government data to support Farming in Scotland Alastair McAlpine, Senior Statistician in the Scottish Government’s Rural and Environmental Sciences and Analytical Services division,…
ADR UK projects continue to inform UK’s Covid-19 response Administrative data research facilitated by ADR UK partners has been crucial in informing UK and devolved government responses to the ongoing…
How does homelessness affect Covid-19 risk? Dr Peter Mackie and Dr Ian Thomas, academic leads for ADR Wales’ Housing and Homelessness body of work, discuss their plans to explore Covid-19 infection…
Rehousing times in Scotland: What does the data tell us? This blog explores research undertaken by ADR Wales, in collaboration with the Centre for Homelessness Impact, on the time taken to rehouse…
Data Insights: Homelessness Duration in Scotland: How long does it take? (May 2021) This research from ADR Wales explores the length of time that housing support is given to homeless households in…
Pathways of Covid-19 infection in school settings: What does the data tell us? As part of their One Wales Covid-19 response, ADR Wales researchers have used linked data to undertake the first…
'Data Bites' at the Institute for Government ADR UK is sponsoring the 12th instalment of the Institute for Government's Data Bites series, which will explore the theme of 'getting things done with…
ADR UK three years in: Marking the end of a successful pilot, and looking to the future On 22 April 2021, ADR UK held a virtual event to showcase progress in harnessing the power of administrative…
Data Insights: Early & Multiple GCSE Entry: Grade Improvement (April 2021) This research details grade attainment and change for early and multiple entry to GCSE mathematics subjects.