196 results:

ADR UK Research Fellows: Administrative Data | Agricultural Research Collection

ADR UK Research Fellows: Administrative Data | Agricultural Research Collection ADR UK is funding two Research Fellows to use the newly available Administrative Data | Agricultural Research…

Bridging borders: Global perspectives on child health and education

Bridging borders: Global perspectives on child health and education Rob French, lead of the ADR Wales Education research theme, highlights the opportunities and challenges of linking child health and…

ESRC Southwest Regional Symposium - a celebration of 'World of work' research

ESRC Southwest Regional Symposium - a celebration of 'World of work' research ADR UK and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) are collaboratively hosting a one-day event on Tuesday 21…

This year's highlights: ADR Wales - exploring active travel and informing interventions to prevent youth homelessness

This year's highlights: ADR Wales - exploring active travel and informing interventions to prevent youth homelessness The ADR UK Annual Report 2023 – 2024 gathered key developments from across the…

Reducing care home admissions: Care & Repair advice and home adaptations

Reducing care home admissions: Care & Repair advice and home adaptations

Reducing care home admissions: Care & Repair advice and home adaptations

New initiatives will support researchers in adult social care

New initiatives will support researchers in adult social care In this blog, Tara Hughes, Research Officer in the ADR Wales Social Care team, shares some initiatives that are supporting the social…

ADR Wales presents research on equality within the Welsh tertiary education system

ADR Wales presents research on equality within the Welsh tertiary education system The ADR Wales Skills and Employability research team has presented key findings on equality within tertiary…

Datacise Open Learning Datathon - Data collision: Where social meets health

Datacise Open Learning Datathon - Data collision: Where social meets health This is a dynamic datathon designed to spark innovation and create powerful synergies between social data and health data.…

ADR UK Conference 2025 - Call for abstracts

ADR UK Conference 2025 - Call for abstracts Join us in Wales for the opportunity to engage with others about administrative data research. From crime and justice, to education, social care, health…

Estimating numbers of children not in state education using linked administrative data

Estimating numbers of children not in state education using linked administrative data This report, produced by ADR Wales in partnership with the Welsh Government, explores the feasibility of…