Illegal drug consignments This research aims to explore the illegal drugs supply in Scottish communities (particularly by post), focusing on the impacts of law enforcement tactics used to counter the…
Drug related deaths and contact with emergency services This research aims to gain a broader understanding of the patterns of contact with services (in particular emergency services) prior to…
Health and employment retention This research aims to understand the driving factors of employment retention for those affected by physical and mental health conditions in Scotland. This research…
Assessing the impact of benefit sanctions on health This research aims to assess whether benefit sanctions have unintended impacts on claimant health and use of health services in Scotland. People…
ECHILD: Linking children’s health and education data for England This ADR England-funded project will further develop a research-ready database linking health, education and social care data for all…
Study sheds light on migrants’ use of psychotropic medication in Northern Ireland A study published by ADR NI researchers has found underuse of mental services by first generation migrants. This open…
Health inequalities and the migrant population in Northern Ireland: Exploring the evidence ADR Northern Ireland recently held the second event in its policy and research symposium series, this time…
Deprivation and informal care at the end of life ADR Scotland's ‘Data Insights’ briefings share snapshots of findings from research projects using linked administrative data. This week, SCADR…
ADR Wales publication looks at impact of Welsh Government early years programme ADR Wales has published the results of analysis of the Welsh Government’s Flying Start programme which helps families…
ADR Wales publication compares health impact of Welsh Government energy efficiency schemes ADR Wales has released its latest publication - comparing the health impacts of two Welsh Government home…