The ADR England Public Insights Panel is a diverse group of members of the public who contribute to shaping data-driven research and processes. They are one of the many public engagement initiatives supporting ADR England activities.
Members of the Public Insights Panel have been recruited from across England. They are of a range of ages, with different backgrounds and personal experiences. They are the newest addition to an existing suite of public panels embedded across ADR UK, which include ADR Scotland’s Public Panel and the SAIL Consumer Panel for Data Linkage Research.
The panel is funded by ADR UK and managed by Basis Social, an independent social research agency, with support from the ADR UK Strategic Hub. Panel members receive honorarium payments in exchange for their expertise and time - these rates are based on the 2022 National Institute for Health and Care Research payment policy. It primarily supports the ADR England portfolio, the Integrated Data Service (delivered by the Office for National Statistics), and the UK Statistics Authority, but guests can apply to engage with the panel (refer to the section on ‘how to engage with the panel’ for more details).
On this page you will find more information on:
The role of the panel
The panel supports meaningful public engagement. It may:
- advise on issues related to research and data linkage, acting as a sounding board for potential new approaches, methodologies, and ideas
- provide a public perspective on publications to test language, engagement and accessibility
- advise on efforts to demonstrate the trustworthiness of the use of administrative data for public good research
- review and provide feedback on public engagement plans, materials, and presentations.
How to engage with the panel
You must submit your request to meet with the panel and any pre-reading or stimulus at least three weeks in advance of each meeting.
The panel meets online in the evening (from 18:30, for up to two hours) every two months. The format allows for an in-depth exploration of topics and concepts. Those engaging with the panel are advised to prepare up to ten minutes of presentation and will receive 20-30 minutes of discussion, facilitated by Basis Social. Presenters are advised to engage with the panel in accessible language and will be offered support to prepare for their meeting.
Upcoming panel meetings dates:
- 23 July 18:30 – 20:30
- 25 September 18:30 – 20:30
- TBC November 18:30 – 20:30
Fill out an expression of interest form if you wish to engage with the panel. Public Insights Panel meetings may occasionally include members from ADR Scotland’s Public Panel or the SAIL Consumer Panel if broader perspectives (beyond England) are needed. If you need a broader or UK-wide perspective, please indicate this in your request form.
How to prepare for a panel meeting
While panel members will have some knowledge of ADR UK and administrative data more broadly, it is important not to assume knowledge. This means presenting in accessible language and avoiding jargon and acronyms. Presenters will be invited to meet with ADR UK’s Senior Public Engagement Manager, Shayda Kashef, two weeks before their meeting for any support or outstanding questions.
It isn’t a requirement to share stimulus materials ahead of your meeting, but some presenters may wish to do so. Examples of stimulus may include:
- a short paragraph providing context
- text that needs sense-checking
- a draft of an explainer video or infographic.
An advantage of providing stimulus materials in advance is that it gives members of the panels a chance to reflect before meeting you. An advantage of not sharing stimulus materials is that it allows panel members to provide feedback based on their immediate reaction.
Please note that any stimulus materials must be submitted at least three weeks in advance of your meeting. Reading material should be limited to half a page and audiovisual materials should be less than five minutes long. All stimulus materials must use accessible language.
Useful reading
- Public engagement in practice (ADR UK Learning Hub)
- Best words to use when talking about data (Understanding Patient Data)
- What words to use when talking about trusted research environments (Understanding Patient Data)
Past meeting notes and actions
- Meeting 1 summary report - 30 May 2024
- Meeting 2 summary report - 23 July 2024
- Meeting 3 summary report - 25 September 2024
- Meeting 4 summary report - 25 November 2024
- Meeting 5 summary report - 9 December 2024