54 results:

Data Insight: New evidence on gender pay gaps in Great Britain

Data Insight: New evidence on gender pay gaps in Great Britain This Data Insight presents new evidence on the size of the gender pay gap in Great Britain. This Data Insight by the Wage and Employment…

Data Insight: How many jobs, how much earned?

Data Insight: How many jobs, how much earned? This Data Insight by the Wage and Employment Dynamics team explores the number of jobs and the earnings that employees receive over the course of a year.…

Community Catalyst: Children at Risk of Poor Outcomes scoping review - Use of administrative data to understand children’s involvement with children’s statutory social care services

Community Catalyst: Children at Risk of Poor Outcomes scoping review - Use of administrative data to understand children’s involvement with children’s statutory social care services This…

Changes over time to Pupil Matching Reference Numbers in the National Pupil Database

Changes over time to Pupil Matching Reference Numbers in the National Pupil Database This report summarises findings from an analysis examining the extent to which the Pupil Matching Reference…

Community Catalyst: Youth Transitions research report - From gaps to priorities: Examining the evidence landscape

Community Catalyst: Youth Transitions research report - From gaps to priorities: Examining the evidence landscape This research report provides an overview of this community catalyst’s aims and…

Data Insight: Children involved with child welfare services and the likelihood of a custodial sentence

Data Insight: Children involved with child welfare services and the likelihood of a custodial sentence This Data Insight by Dr Anna Leyland summarises findings from working with the Ministry of…

Data Insight: What came first: Is there a causal role of child welfare service interventions on likelihood of having criminal cautions or convictions?

Data Insight: What came first: Is there a causal role of child welfare service interventions on likelihood of having criminal cautions or convictions? This Data Insight summarises findings from…

Data Insight: Enforced alcohol abstinence: does it reduce reoffending?

Data Insight: Enforced alcohol abstinence: does it reduce reoffending? This Data Insight draws on Ministry of Justice Data First magistrates’ courts and probation datasets to examine how…

Gestational age at birth, chronic conditions, and school outcomes: Young person's version of a research paper

Gestational age at birth, chronic conditions, and school outcomes: Young person's version of a research paper This study was summarised by Sara Duru during her eight-week internship at ADR UK, with…

Data Insight: Childhood educational predictors of re-offending trajectories

Data Insight: Childhood educational predictors of re-offending trajectories This Data Insight examines the feasibility of using childhood educational information to develop predictive models of…