Administrative Data | Agricultural Research Collection: Enhancing the prosperity and wellbeing of farm households ADR UK is working in partnership with a group of academic and government bodies to…
Wage & Employment Dynamics online drop-in session Join Wage & Employment Dynamics researchers for an informal drop-session to learn more about the project. The Wage & Employment Dynamics…
Homelessness Data England: Providing the missing link in homelessness research Researchers from the Homelessness Data England project within the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government…
New research initiative will use local authority data to evaluate if homelessness policy is working ADR UK has today announced a new homelessness research initiative in collaboration with the…
ADR UK secures further funding to 2022 ADR UK has secured an extra £15 million of funding to continue the programme – set up by the ESRC to transform the way researchers access the UK’s wealth of…
Linked data, longer Fellowships: scope of Data First call expanded Our Research Fellowship Scheme – which funds individual researchers to analyse court data made available by the ground-breaking Data…
Report analyses research use of UK administrative data This is an overview of the newly published analysis of research publications using UK administrative data by Alex Hulkes, Strategic Lead for…
Analysis of the use of administrative data in research publications - September 2020 An analysis of research publications using UK administrative data by Alex Hulkes, Strategic Lead for Insights at…
Data First Research Fellowship Applicant Online Workshop An opportunity for potential ADR UK/MoJ Data First Research Fellowship applicants to learn more about the call, data and application…
Wage & Employment Dynamics Virtual Seminar: Exploring the ASHE dataset The Wage & Employment Dynamics (WED) project, a collaboration led by researchers from the University of the West…