201 results:

Data Insights: Early & Multiple GCSE Entry: Patterns over time (April 2021)

Data Insights: Early & Multiple GCSE Entry: Patterns over time (April 2021) This research examines patterns of early entry for various subjects over time, detailing high levels of multiple entry for…

ADR Wales recognised as data collaboration exemplar in Digital Strategy for Wales

ADR Wales recognised as data collaboration exemplar in Digital Strategy for Wales ADR Wales has been recognised as an exemplar for data collaboration in the new Welsh Government Digital Strategy for…

Early and multiple GCSE entry: Patterns over time and grade improvement

Early and multiple GCSE entry: Patterns over time and grade improvement Dr Jennifer May Hampton, a researcher in the WISERD Education Data Lab at Cardiff University, discusses two new Data Insights…

Data Insights: Staff-pupil Covid-19 infection pathways in schools in Wales (March 2021)

Data Insights: Staff-pupil Covid-19 infection pathways in schools in Wales (March 2021) ADR Wales researchers share the findings of research exploring the likelihood of pupils and staff testing…

ADR Wales looks at school absence for children living in homeless households

ADR Wales looks at school absence for children living in homeless households ADR Wales has released its latest publication analysing the effect that living in a homeless household has on school…

How can data linking help to strengthen farmers across the UK? A public health perspective

How can data linking help to strengthen farmers across the UK? A public health perspective Alisha Davies from Public Health Wales discusses the importance of linked administrative data for improving…

The overlap of substance misuse and housing issues

The overlap of substance misuse and housing issues Dr Ian Thomas of ADR Wales explores the overlap of substance misuse and housing issues in a new Data Insight. Dr Ian Thomas, a Research Associate…

Data Insights: Severe and multiple disadvantage (March 2021)

Data Insights: Severe and multiple disadvantage (March 2021) This Data Insight from ADR Wales explores the scale and overlap of substance misuse and housing issues in the City and County of Swansea.

ADR Wales publication looks at impact of Welsh Government early years programme

ADR Wales publication looks at impact of Welsh Government early years programme ADR Wales has released its latest publication analysing the Welsh Government’s Flying Start programme which helps…

New pathways in data acquisition

New pathways in data acquisition

New pathways in data acquisition