Two new projects will develop research communities and drive transformative insights about children and young people ADR UK, in collaboration with other co-funders, is awarding grants to two project…
Two sides of the same coin: Operational versus research use of administrative data In this blog, Emily Oliver, Head of Training and Capacity Building at ADR UK, explores the distinctions and…
Linked data research and social care: Research priorities for adult social care across the UK This is the final blog in a series by Lynsey Cross, Social Care Research Officer at ADR Wales, on linked…
The SAIL Databank Consumer Panel consists of a group of 16 members of the public, based at Population Data Science Swansea. They meet four to five times a year, providing advisory and consultation…
Ministry of Justice Data First team wins award for outstanding collaboration across government and academia The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Data First team has been awarded the Analysis in Government…
How does internal migration affect young adults’ outcomes and social mobility in England? In this blog, Dr Francesca Foliano explains how she will use administrative data to study the internal…
Examining ageing in the British cohort studies: measurement, research and access This 60-minute session from the UCL Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS) gives an overview of data for the study of…
Exploring gaps in teacher judgements and the implications for university admissions In this blog post, ADR UK Research Fellow Dr Oliver Cassagneau-Francis describes how he and the project team will…
Linked data research and social care: What data sources are available across the UK? This is the second blog in a series by Lynsey Cross, Social Care Research Officer at ADR Wales, on linked data and…