Data Insight: Risk factors associated with primary care-reported domestic violence for women involved in Family Law care proceedings This Data Insight explores risk factors for domestic violence and…
Examining the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the mental health of clinically extremely vulnerable children ADR Wales has published its latest Data Insight, which explores how the Covid-19…
Data Insight: Effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the mental health of children that are clinically extremely vulnerable or living with clinically extremely vulnerable people in Wales This Data…
Health Data Research UK Conference 2024: The Grand Challenges in Health Data Join Health Data Research UK and ADR UK at this free two-day hybrid event to celebrate the latest advances in health data…
The Administrative Data | Agricultural Research Collection project powers on The Administrative Data | Agricultural Research Collection (AD|ARC) project hopes to enhance the prosperity and wellbeing…
School staff vaccination uptake: February 2022 This report, produced by ADR Wales in partnership with the Welsh Government, analyses the School Workforce Annual Census and the Research Ready Data…
Supporting People data linking project: Update This report, produced by ADR Wales in partnership with the Welsh Government, analyses the demographics of Supporting People to understand who received…
ADR UK 2023 PhD studentships cohort begin their projects 22 PhD studentships supported by ADR UK have now commenced. Hosted by supervisors across 13 of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)…
ADR UK PhD studentships cohort ADR UK is supporting 22 PhD studentships hosted by supervisors at Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) across the UK. These…
COVID-19 vaccine inequality found among people experiencing homelessness in Wales, study suggests A year into the mass vaccination programme, people who experienced homelessness in Wales had lower…