How pay gaps research is informing policy in Northern Ireland In Northern Ireland, pay disparities across sectors and groups are a key focus for government departments and public sector…
This year's highlights: ADR Northern Ireland - understanding pay gaps and improving outcomes for the prison population The ADR UK Annual Report 2023 – 2024 gathered key developments from across the…
The Education Outcomes Linkage 2018/19-2021/22 dataset is now available from ADR Northern Ireland The Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) is now receiving applications from…
The Cross Government Income Administrative Dataset 2019/20 is now available from ADR Northern Ireland The Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) is now receiving applications from…
Now receiving applications: Northern Ireland Census 2021 Comprehensive Microdata Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) is now receiving applications from accredited researchers to…
The need for supporting kinship families in Scotland A report from researchers at the Scottish Centre for Administrative Data Research (SCADR) and the Centre for Excellence for Children’s Care and…
PhD placement opportunity with Social Care Wales As part of leading the ADR Wales Social Care programme, Social Care Wales is now offering a PhD placement opportunity. This is open to PhD students…
Research shows socioeconomic inequalities in severe Covid-19 outcomes in Wales ADR Wales has released a new Data Insight highlighting significant socioeconomic disparities in severe Covid-19 outcomes…
Labour market performance of immigrants: New evidence from linked administrative data In this blog, ADR UK Research Fellow Dr Ezgi Kaya shares the stark differences she has found between long-term…
Exploring differences in chronic disease and mortality by area-level deprivation across Wales This blog by Jane Lyons, research lead for the ADR Wales Social Justice research theme, describes the…