118 results:

Testing the reliability and validity of the Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2017

Testing the reliability and validity of the Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2017 This project aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure…

ADR UK Research Fellows: Ministry of Justice & Department for Education linked dataset

ADR UK Research Fellows: Ministry of Justice & Department for Education linked dataset ADR UK is funding five Research Fellows to conduct research and analysis using the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) &…

ADR UK Research Fellows: Education and Child Health Outcomes from Linked Data

ADR UK Research Fellows: Education and Child Health Outcomes from Linked Data ADR UK is funding seven Research Fellows to analyse the Education and Child Health Outcomes from Linked Data (ECHILD)…

Cancer Data Driven Detection: Exploring cancer inequalities in Wales

Cancer Data Driven Detection: Exploring cancer inequalities in Wales ADR UK is providing in-kind support to Cancer Research UK's Cancer Data Driven Detection initiative, by funding a project using…

Predictors of positive life-course trajectories for children in contact with social services in Northern Ireland

Predictors of positive life-course trajectories for children in contact with social services in Northern Ireland This project aims to investigate the long-term outcomes of children in contact with…

Mental health in prisons in Northern Ireland

Mental health in prisons in Northern Ireland This ADR Northern Ireland project aims to develop a new linked dataset containing information on mental health and addiction among people in prisons in…

Perinatal mental health: The role of social inequalities and domestic abuse on maternal outcomes

Perinatal mental health: The role of social inequalities and domestic abuse on maternal outcomes This project, led by researchers at ADR Northern Ireland, investigates how social inequalities and…

ADR UK Research Fellows: Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings linked to Census 2011

ADR UK Research Fellows: Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings linked to Census 2011 ADR UK is funding three Research Fellows to analyse the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) linked to the…

ADR UK Research Fellows: Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings linked to PAYE and Self-Assessment data

ADR UK Research Fellows: Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings linked to PAYE and Self-Assessment data ADR UK is funding an 18-month Research Fellowship to use a new linked dataset combining the Annual…

ADR UK Research Fellows: Administrative Data | Agricultural Research Collection

ADR UK Research Fellows: Administrative Data | Agricultural Research Collection ADR UK is funding two Research Fellows to use the newly available Administrative Data | Agricultural Research…