242 results:

ADR England Research Community Catalyst: Children at Risk of Poor Outcomes

ADR England Research Community Catalyst: Children at Risk of Poor Outcomes This project will build a community of researchers and analysts focused on children and young people supported by early…

What are the outcomes for ‘serious and organised’ crime cases that appear before the courts in England and Wales?

What are the outcomes for ‘serious and organised’ crime cases that appear before the courts in England and Wales?

What are the outcomes for ‘serious and organised’ crime cases that appear before the courts in England and Wales?

Labour market differences between immigrant and UK-born employees: What is the role of employers?

Labour market differences between immigrant and UK-born employees: What is the role of employers? This Data Insight explores the impact of employers on labour market differences between immigrant and…

Centring public perspectives in our work: The ADR England Public Insights Panel

Centring public perspectives in our work: The ADR England Public Insights Panel ADR UK is funding the ADR England Public Insights Panel to further support meaningful public engagement across ADR…

Introduction to data linkage

Introduction to data linkage This short course is designed to give participants a practical introduction to data linkage. It is aimed at both analysts intending to link data themselves and…

Introduction to the National Pupil Database (UCL Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities)

Introduction to the National Pupil Database (UCL Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities) This course offers a detailed introduction to the National Pupil Database (NPD). It will…

Data Insight: Deciding to have a Crown Court jury trial for a theft offence: Consequences, and relationships with ethnicity

Data Insight: Deciding to have a Crown Court jury trial for a theft offence: Consequences, and relationships with ethnicity This Data Insight investigates the consequences of a defendant electing to…

Introduction to the National Pupil Database (National Centre for Research Methods)

Introduction to the National Pupil Database (National Centre for Research Methods) Back by popular demand, this course provides an introduction to the National Pupil Database (NPD), an administrative…

Data Insight: Changes in school performance and involvement in the criminal justice system

Data Insight: Changes in school performance and involvement in the criminal justice system This Data Insight investigates changes in school performance and subsequent involvement in the criminal…

Labour market performance of immigrants: New evidence from linked administrative data

Labour market performance of immigrants: New evidence from linked administrative data In this blog, ADR UK Research Fellow Dr Ezgi Kaya shares the stark differences she has found between long-term…