The power of people: a human geographer’s mission to end homelessness As we look forward to the ADR UK Conference 2023, our series of blogs delving into the work of its keynote speakers continues.…
Research Fellows using ADR England flagship datasets ADR UK is funding six Research Fellows for 18 months to conduct research and analysis demonstrating the policy impact potential of ADR…
ADR UK Research Fellows: Understanding experiences of the family justice system ADR UK is funding two Research Fellows to conduct research using the newly available Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Data…
Data Insight: Clinical coding and capture of Long COVID: a cohort study in Wales using linked health and demographic data This Data Insight looks at clinical coding of Long COVID recorded in primary…
Deaths at home during the Covid-19 pandemic in Scotland This project builds on ADR Scotland’s earlier work, exploring the increase in deaths at home during the Covid-19 pandemic and its implications…
Investigating socioeconomic, household, and environmental risk factors for Covid-19 in Scotland This study aims to use linked administrative data to enhance our understanding of non-health risk…
ADR UK response to the Sudlow Review – Unifying Health Data in the UK This is ADR UK's response to the Sudlow Review from Health Data Research UK. The consultation gathered input from stakeholders…