920 results:

What are the outcomes for ‘serious and organised’ crime cases that appear before the courts in England and Wales?

What are the outcomes for ‘serious and organised’ crime cases that appear before the courts in England and Wales?

What are the outcomes for ‘serious and organised’ crime cases that appear before the courts in England and Wales?

Labour market differences between immigrant and UK-born employees: What is the role of employers?

Labour market differences between immigrant and UK-born employees: What is the role of employers? This Data Insight explores the impact of employers on labour market differences between immigrant and…

Centring public perspectives in our work: The ADR England Public Insights Panel

Centring public perspectives in our work: The ADR England Public Insights Panel ADR UK is funding the ADR England Public Insights Panel to further support meaningful public engagement across ADR…

New process at the ONS aims to speed up output clearance

New process at the ONS aims to speed up output clearance The Office for National Statistics Secure Research Service (ONS SRS) has introduced a new model for output clearance. The new model has a…

Introduction to data linkage

Introduction to data linkage This short course is designed to give participants a practical introduction to data linkage. It is aimed at both analysts intending to link data themselves and…

Express your interest to engage with the panel

The ADR England Public Insights Panel is a panel made up of a diverse group of 15 members of the general public from across England. They meet online and in the evenings (18:30 - 20:30) every two…

Introduction to geo-linking cohort and admin data to social and physical environmental data

Introduction to geo-linking cohort and admin data to social and physical environmental data This online workshop will introduce participants to linking small-area level data on the local physical and…

ADR England Public Insights Panel

Learn about the ADR England Public Insights Panel, including information on its role and how to engage with the panel. The ADR England Public Insights Panel is a diverse group of members of the…

Introduction to the National Pupil Database (UCL Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities)

Introduction to the National Pupil Database (UCL Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities) This course offers a detailed introduction to the National Pupil Database (NPD). It will…

Data Insight: External sales behaviour of Northern Ireland businesses: A focus on 10X sectors

Data Insight: External sales behaviour of Northern Ireland businesses: A focus on 10X sectors This Data Insight explores the external sales behaviour of Northern Ireland businesses over the period…