Centring public perspectives in our work: The ADR England Public Insights Panel

The ADR England Public Insights Panel, comprised of a diverse group of members of the public from across England, is the latest initiative to support meaningful public engagement across the ADR UK partnership. Representing a significant milestone in the ADR UK Public Engagement Strategy 2021-2026, it is the newest addition to an existing suite of public panels embedded across ADR UK. These include ADR Scotland’s Public Panel and the SAIL Consumer Panel for Data Linkage Research.

The panel is funded by ADR UK and jointly managed by Basis Social and the ADR UK Strategic Hub. It primarily supports the ADR England portfolio, the Integrated Data Service (delivered by the Office for National Statistics), and the UK Statistics Authority, but guests can apply to engage with the panel.

Members of the panel will meet online every two months to advise on data-driven research and processes. They have already held their first meeting in May and provided their views on a range of topics.

Support from the panel

The panel offers a range of support – including to: 

  • advise on issues related to research and data linkage, acting as a sounding board for potential new approaches, methodologies, and ideas 
  • provide a public perspective on publications to test language, engagement and accessibility 
  • advise on efforts to demonstrate the trustworthiness of the use of administrative data for public good research  
  • review and provide feedback on public engagement plans, materials, and presentations. 

Submit a request to engage with the panel

Fill out an expression of interest form if you wish to engage with the panel.

The panel meets online in the evening (18:30 – 20:30) every two months. You must submit your request to meet with the panel and any pre-reading or stimulus at least three weeks in advance of each meeting. 

Visit the panel’s dedicated webpage to find out more information on expressing your interest to engage with the panel and preparing for a meeting.

Get in touch

For any questions, please contact Shayda Kashef, ADR UK Senior Public Engagement Manager: shayda.kashef@esrc.ukri.org 

ADR UK defines public engagement as a purposeful set of activities designed to promote an ongoing dialogue with the public about administrative data research, driven by active listening and responding. This enables us to enrich understanding for all parties involved and maximise the impact of research, ensuring activities are meaningful and mutually beneficial. Visit our website to learn more about our public engagement activities.



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