Cancer Data Driven Detection: Exploring cancer inequalities in Wales ADR UK is providing in-kind support to Cancer Research UK's Cancer Data Driven Detection initiative, by funding a project using…
ADR UK Research Fellows: Administrative Data | Agricultural Research Collection ADR UK is funding two Research Fellows to use the newly available Administrative Data | Agricultural Research…
Healthy Households This project will create a new research-ready dataset by linking housing data with other administrative and health data for England, Scotland and Wales. The project team will also…
ADR Wales themed projects: Social Care The ADR Wales Social Care programme is led by Social Care Wales, a Welsh Government-sponsored body which registers and sets standards for social workers and…
ADR Wales themed projects: Skills and Employability This innovative programme will continue to work with education partners in Wales to better understand the barriers individuals face in finding…
ADR Wales themed projects: Mental Health The ADR Wales Mental Health research programme will focus on the matters of anxiety, depression and suicide and self-harm prevention. This is in line with the…
ADR Wales themed projects: Housing and Homelessness How do we make a Wales where homelessness is rare, brief and unrepeated? This important question drives ADR Wales research under this thematic…
ADR Wales themed projects: Major Societal Challenges To address currently identified and new emerging priority areas for government, ADR Wales has created a Major Societal Challenges work stream.…
ADR Wales themed projects: Health and Wellbeing The ADR Wales Health and Wellbeing programme brings together health and well-being administrative data with novel geospatial data to provide insights…
ADR Wales themed projects: Climate Change Projects under this ADR Wales theme will work with Welsh Government and other stakeholders to identify priority areas and harness the potential of…