1021 results:

The pathways of excluded school pupils into (and out of) the criminal justice system

The pathways of excluded school pupils into (and out of) the criminal justice system In this blog, ADR UK Research Fellow Dr Vickie Barrett explores the complex pathways of excluded school pupils and…

Highlights from the ADR UK PhD Annual Gathering 2025

Highlights from the ADR UK PhD Annual Gathering 2025 The annual gathering for ADR UK PhD students recently brought together our whole student cohort for an event filled with networking, peer-led…

A celebration of work – and a meeting of minds

A celebration of work – and a meeting of minds In this blog, Dr Emma Gordon, Director of ADR UK, reflects on the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)’s first regional engagement event. In this…

Mapping inclusive pathways to STEM careers

Mapping inclusive pathways to STEM careers This blog by ADR UK Research Fellow Golo Henseke explores the challenges and opportunities surrounding inclusive access to high-skill STEM (Science,…

Testing the reliability and validity of the Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2017

Testing the reliability and validity of the Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2017 This project aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure…

ADR UK Research Fellows: Ministry of Justice & Department for Education linked dataset

ADR UK Research Fellows: Ministry of Justice & Department for Education linked dataset ADR UK is funding five Research Fellows to conduct research and analysis using the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) &…

Exploring the causes of death among people experiencing homelessness in Wales

Exploring the causes of death among people experiencing homelessness in Wales Today, the ADR Wales Housing and Homelessness research team has released a Data Insight on the causes of death among…

Data Insight: Causes of death among people experiencing homelessness in Wales

Data Insight: Causes of death among people experiencing homelessness in Wales This ADR Wales Data Insight presents findings from research into the underlying causes of death among people experiencing…

Introduction to the Education Outcomes Linkage dataset (National Centre for Research Methods)

Introduction to the Education Outcomes Linkage dataset (National Centre for Research Methods) This short online course provides an introduction to the Education Outcomes Linkage (EOL) 2018/19-2021/22…

Introduction to the Growing Up in England dataset (National Centre for Research Methods)

Introduction to the Growing Up in England dataset (National Centre for Research Methods) This short online course, taking place over two days, provides an introduction to the Growing Up in England…